My name is Gary and I am an IT consultant and part time artist.
I developed my style with copies of album covers, painting in fine detail with oils. More recently I have started to paint and draw my own work which I believe is a crossover from surrealist to fantasy art. My pencil drawings seen here appear to have a huge appeal to children. Although many adults have wondered ‘what I was on ?’ when drawing them.
I have taken on commissions of both original work and copies of other artist’s work such as ‘sunflowers’ by Van Gogh and am available on 07771 884844
PS: Not to be confused with the very fine New Zealand artist of the same name
A bit of an experiment with some pastels I got recently, same general style as my last on "My Minds Eye" but a little lighter on the paper than the thick crayon of that one.
This one is inspired by the Small Faces classic "My Minds Eye" (All my stuff is generally named after songs, sometimes the song comes first and sometimes I have to retrofit). Anyway, I visited Saltaire recently and found a set of sepia pencils and decided it would be nice to do a pure sepia picture with hint of realism in the top right hand corner and a collection of my usual expressions in the lower half
A return to my other style this time. When I doodled this one out on the back of a beer mat in a pub I thought of doing it more in a monochrome style the same way that Braque or Picasso would
I started this as a doodle and it started taking a sphinx like shape so I decided to go the whole hog and put a couple of pyramids in and a "starry night" style moon
Just got back from Barcelona, it normally has this sort of effect on me! (I bet you can't spot the influence here?.... much).
I just did this one this weekend on a small canvas 20 x 30 cm to get a bit of the Picasso/Braque Cubism & Catalonian influence out of my system... I'm better now!